Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Welcome !

Welcome to my Tupperware site. I have been thinking how to start own business while am struggling with current workload and it seems the routine job got over "routined" which I got bored doing it everyday.

Then some friends approached me with the infamous MLM - Amway, Elken, etc .... frankly i wasn't really impressed on the so called Diamond rank, Emerald or what so ever, that you could have a free mercedes benz, bla bla .... then i got to know Tupperware.

Hmm .... not sure if it's a coincident that everyone start talking about health issues especially those re-cycle bottle and the easy-to-be-reuse mineral water bottle when people start talking how bad it is to use these bottles, +xxx chemical reactions, +xxx cancer , bla bla ... so then i also thought of going "green" .. ya right, then i start buying the product. Not that i only buy for myself, i also buy for my brothers, brother in law, etc, so then again, i joined the member as i could enjoy some benefits out of that.

So this is how i get into the "trap" .. ha! so then i have tried the Lacto-Fiber, BerryGen, and thought it is a good product to share too ... so then ...... I start putting in blogs, just to test if there's really any leads from the website.

So i hope, this blog will allow me to share some of the experiences on Tupperware products and see if this can be a start of my e-retailing career !

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